Spiritual Reality Revealed is Wisdom

The process of life begins from a pure space of unlimited possibilities, the positive (God/Spiritual) force.  From that space of unlimited possibilities intentions and actions are manifested and connect to our physical ecosystem, the negative (grounding) force.

As individuals within the system, every action which affected us begins to create the mosaic of our lives.   This process molds us and manipulates us as part of the whole; that is everything that we interact with throughout our lives manifests in what we become.

As babies we’re born into a world that totally protects us and works on our behalf to incorporate us into its ecosystem.  Every decision and action is made for us to begin the design of our life.  We are molded by our parent(s) our immediate family, the extended family, friends and strangers within our community. The food we eat, surrounding nature, animals, accidents, weather, all influence us uniquely.

Our language, culture, religious and political views are all molded into us by our environment. Do we really have free will in this process? No, but as we mature and grow within our ecosystem we imagine that we have free choice, but do we?  Advanced societies insist that we learn manners and civil behaviors; we learn to read and write and to provide for ourselves to sustain our existence as part of the whole.

Alas, as adults we graduate from the molding and manipulation from our environment; we can support ourselves and maintain our own existence as part of the whole.  Do we now have free will?  We have some limited freedoms within the grounded structures of our existence.  We cannot jump off a 10 ft building and fly (yet).  Everything that makes us who we are is attached to actions that have manifested as the mosaic of our lives.

Your income, your food preferences, your religious ideologies, political views, favorite sport teams and everything that makes you who you are comes from actions within your environment.   The only real control we can exercise in our own development is the environment in which we put ourselves.  The space of “Unlimited Possibilities” is attached to a series of actions that lead to where we find ourselves within our own ecosystem, this is called our reality.

The further we explore our reality the greater perception we receive because we can see the connections in all the branches that manifest within our reality.  We can see how everything moves, connects and influences the other.  We see where things are broken, we can see ways to reconnect disconnects and we see opposing forces from both sides. This gives us tremendous insights and leads to clairvoyance of understanding, this is called wisdom.

When we discover that we remain stuck or attached to something, know that that is limiting our perception.  It’s like watching a sporting event with a connection to a specific team; we are much more likely to be polluted in our observations in favor of our team.  If you’re watching without an attachment to a preferred outcome your observations are much purer.

In areas of religion, atheism, politics, nationalism, racism, etc.  Find where you’re stuck and find a way to break free.   This will lead you further down the path of spiritual enlightenment and allow you the wisdom to better help others.

Here’s a challenge you can take on yourself or share with others to help them in exploring greater reason and comprehension.  Assignment to expand your spiritual comprehension.

Assignment to Expand Your Spiritual Comprehension, Are You Up to The Task?

Here is a very deep and challenging assignment to push your own spiritual comprehension. You can do this alone or do it with your own circle of spiritual companions.  I invite you to take on this challenge and share your results.



Step One: Select The Spiritual Topic or Topics to Explore
This is a writing assignment.  Write on a topic you’re absolutely certain about.  The best topic you can choose for expansion is one that you feel very strongly about.  Religion and politics are strange bedfellows at identifying blockages in our own spiritual comprehension.

Write out the question and then give the answer?   Write the answer with the greatest most obvious details you can provide to validate your position.

Step Two: Be Mindful of All Your Inner Feelings as You Engage.
After you write out the question and provide your exact answer it’s time to push yourself.  Your next step is to rewrite the question and change the answer to read the exact opposite of what you wrote in step one.

Wow! … Perhaps you’re not even able to do this?  That is an immediate insight into your own internal spiritual make-up.   Can you make yourself do this exercise?  It takes great open-minded comprehension and courage to explore where you are uncomfortable.   If you are not able to do this have someone else write it out for you.

Step Three: Push to Greater Awareness Building a Stronger Character
Now read the opposite point of view out-loud slowly with conviction.  Focus on your feelings and inner sensations as you force yourself to read out-loud words that challenge your own beliefs on the subject.   What is it you are learning about yourself as you explore your internal sensations while doing this?

Step Four: Prove Your Spiritual Mastery Gaining Even Greater Awareness
Now I ask you to answer this next question with all honesty and clear thinking.  Is this opposite point of view valid to anyone else?   How would someone who holds that opposite view defend their position?

Here is your final step to validate your mastery if you are capable of completing it.  Can you or will you do this? Write an article that defends the opposite point of view,  can you do that effectively?  Why is such a position, opposite to your own personal views, valid to someone else? Can you explore inside yourself and find your answers to this?  Can you force yourself to explore the opposite feelings and conclusions; ones that contradict your own comprehension?  This is the biggest and hardest step that needs to be taken to prove your own spiritual mastery.

Are you spiritually big enough to do this? Are you able to challenge your biggest limitation to growth? Take on your own ego attachment to connections you hold so dear? Can you free yourself from your own limitations and push through to greater enlightened understanding?

I guarantee that if you can take it on sincerely you will experience the biggest most profound expansion in your own spiritual consciousness.   If you dare to take this challenging step you are sure to grow immensely in your comprehension.  When you can complete this assignment easily without internal spiritual disruptions, you have obtained mastery; you are now a master ready and fully able to help others.  A master can really help others who seek insights no matter where they are in their spiritual quest.  Are you a spiritual master yet?

Spirituality and The Meaning of Life

What is The Meaning of Life?
Ah the ultimate question, sought after by kings and peasants alike. What is the meaning of life? The answer is only yours to determine, perhaps it’s already within your grasp, or just a small stretch away? It’s a unique answer held exclusively for you; for you are the intellect that formulates that thought and you will ultimately decipher the understanding to everything you contemplate.

“Seek and you will find” … “Ask and it will be answered” …


The very fact that you ask a question means it’s capable of you to grasp the answer.  I was determined to answer this complex question about my own life for myself.  I remember when I was young and saw a small child suffering from a debilitating disease I was struck with sadness and a deep unsettling occurred in my inner most Being.

Why, I asked, do such sad things happen to some people?  I was told by a mature spiritual person to contemplate that … would I find meaning in that?  I pondered that deeply over a long period of time.  What does my asking such a question tell me about myself, I wondered, contemplated, evaluated and digested this idea until I was able to balance my own inner spirit with the reality I observed.

Is The Answer Here For You?
Remember as a child … whatever we would study we would learn about.  Whatever we look at long and hard enough we would get to see in detail.  When we came back and looked again at another time we would see even more.  Can we ever see it all … can we ever learn everything there is to learn?

I know I can get answers just as certainly as any other person who honestly asks that question on their own.  Answers are reserved for those who dare to ask the questions and honestly seek for answers.  When we can grasp a concept enough to challenge our own understanding and thinking, we can then discover more and explore even more deeply.   The more we question the more we can attain, this is the the Spiritual Quest.

What’s my answer to this perplexing question?  I’m willing to share this …  are you full and satisfied? If you were would that be your answer?  If you are not yet full and satisfied is that your answer?  Are you ready yet for the answer or will it allude you for another day?  The answers are always here for those who genuinely seek to find.

Discovering Spirituality – The Spiritual Quest

As the discourse on discovering spirituality progressed I was spell bound at the edge of my seat as I sat and listened with keen interest.  “A box with five openings, that’s me”, so the opening to the public presentation began.

Yes, my five senses are the tools I use to master the physical word.  What world did Helen Keller live in? Could I ever experience her world?  It scared me to contemplate such a condition.  Yet the more I thought about it the more it began to touch something within me that was bigger and more expansive than knowledge or experience.

I began to comprehend an entirely new way of understanding my own life and all that fills it.  Like when a small child first comprehends how counting from 1 to 10 connects to counting from 10 to 20; the light goes off and you just get it!

I was totally engaged as I listened to this fresh topic of conversation. The information pushed me and pulled me in different directions. I was thrown about in a raging river of conflicting thoughts and feelings.  I was confused and yet simultaneously fulfilled with an inner satisfaction that I admit I find hard to explain.

Trust me it’s an incredible experience yet really hard to explain with words alone.  I promise to do my best to explain it, and I assure you if you get to this place these words will ring true for you too.  Again, I will try to explain using the very limiting communication tool of written words.

Imagine trying to explain, through an interpreter, what a small bird is to Helen Keller, she was deaf and blind. You could talk for hours explaining in great detail about all the bird’s unique characteristics. The birds color, the texture of their wings, their beak, how they fly and sour through the sky, how they maneuver through tight tree limbs, how they sing with beautiful harmonic resonance that is pleasing to the ear.

You could spend hundreds of hours with endless explanations and yet never truly convey your attainment of seeing and hearing that small bird. As I listened to these new spiritual concepts being presented I thought, what would I understand if I lost my hearing and my sight?

I tried to imagine what Helen Keller’s perception of life was like?  Helen Keller had never even experienced sight or hearing at all, what did she base her perceptions on I wondered?  I began to explore all these new sensations swirling within me.  My insides were being torn apart as I tried to comprehend this unexplored space within myself.  I felt disconnected from my own being and yet even more deeply connected at the same time.

I thought deeper and deeper about it; who am I?  I am aware that I exist but how?  I see, I hear, I taste, I feel and I smell.  This was the surface topic of discussion but it took me deep within myself.   I listened intently while simultaneously exploring the tumultuous sensations in my core Being.

As I listened further to the discourse I was so enthralled from within.  Like I completely understood the subject matter yet at the same time the words and concepts were all foreign to me.  It was like I was eating foods I was familiar with yet the preparation styles and seasonings were not familiar to me at all.  They were completely foreign to my pallet and yet my desire was such that I craved to eat more and more.  I was almost hypnotized like I had a piece of warm chocolate fudge melting in my mouth.  I was lost in the incredible satisfaction of this experience.

Words are so hard to share on this topic, and no I was not on drugs or drinking alcohol. The truth is I was learning and everything was fresh and new, yet somehow I knew the topic of conversation.  The discussions were ultimately helping me to discover myself at a deeper level, looking from the outside in at myself as a person.

I began to explore within myself how all these interactions via my senses explained my world.  I have interactions with nature and with other people and they are totally unique to me.  What could I learn by further exploring these deeper inner sensations to comprehend and understand who I am in relationship to the world around me?

I realized that I really had no control at all over anyone or anything around me.  It was like I was a sci-fy probe put here to measure and experience life, not to control it.  I began to sense the need to discern how it is I am connected with the world around me.  This began my journey into spirituality. I began to discover a new higher level of awareness in experiencing life and in grasping reality.

If my words have touched you at all; if you yearn for something more but can’t quite put your finger on it,  I invite you in to explore with me and other like-minded people. Discover a deeper perception of life and reality. Discern a bigger community and a bigger connection to humanity and the world of nature to which we are connected. Discover with us a deeper more satisfying life, experiencing life in a fuller more complete way.

You are always welcome here to share in the Spiritual Quest.

I Love Me! … So I Can Love You Too!

I promise to love me so I can love others. My love for me is what’s required so I can give it and share it from my own abundant supply.

I promise to love me so I can love others. My love for me is what’s required so I can give it and share it from my own abundant supply. I need not beg from a self made prison that others show me love. My inner love for myself must come first to become complete.

There is a place inside of me that decides which world I choose to see, like a smiling face as a trusted friend or as camouflage hiding someones lies. The smell of flowers as a bright spring day or the smell of death in a funeral parlor. Is the glass half empty or half way full that’s for me to say. I get to define my life and I live it in that exact way.

Trouble or triumph I will decide, it’s my world that I define. Like how to view the sun, is it fun like being at the beach or as scorched earth in dessert heat? All your thoughts you can control unless you let others decide and define your life for you. I will not play that game letting them determine me, I won’t stand aside and let society define what my life is to me.

I am open to listen and learn, absorb all sides of what should and should not be. In the end I will stand, not against but upon that which is right for me. I won’t force my views on those who are weak. I will help them explore and help them to see, they too have that choice, they’re as deserving as me. Let all find their way to contribute back to the whole, not against another but in support of each and everyone’s chosen role.

Now you can decide which role you want to play … be in the light or in the darkness, be the light or be the darkness everyone has their roles. This is just a short little thing to help you see more clearly what your future world can be.

Now you get to decide, in your chosen space there you will reside.

Freedom in Spirituality!

Spirituality is Freedom
Spirituality is experienced as a personal dialog with that internal friend that each person accesses multiple times a day. The more that relationship is ignored the more one suffers. Spirituality focuses on building that internal relationship, the stronger that internal relationship the more happiness and love are experienced by the individual. Spirituality allows one the freedom to follow their own heart and reasoning, it sets one free to be and experience life in a harmonious partnership with the world surrounding them.

Spirituality Liberates To Full All Encompassing Love

Spirituality is based on love and it frees one to experience life to the fullest. To personally discover the cause and consequences of ones own actions. Measuring oneself against the world around them allows a person to maximize harmony and enjoyment from existence in this realm. It allows one the freedom to interact with others without cultural taboos, limited thinking, biases and unenlightened fears that divide people.

Spirituality Recognizes and Embraces Difference

Spiritual people are not threatened by others who hold differing views about life, morality, politics or religious practices. They recognize within themselves their own duality and do not judge others based on their limited conclusions.

Spirituality lets us understand that every action generates a reaction. Some feel negative like suffering, it is a reaction coming from actions already set in motion. Counter actions create counter results. In Spirituality we know this and act accordingly this helps minimize our suffering.

lets one discover and understand love in their own unique way of connecting internally with ones Higher Self. That spiritual connection will liberate ones mind to search and find the love path that is ones personal truth.

also allows one to live their own love truth without fear of judgement from others.

also knows that love and truth is all encompassing acknowledging that another’s love truth is just as valid as ones own.

focuses on divine love that we all share without limitations or bias. Divine love shares and builds on itself and doesn’t focus on differences among individuals.

understands that you don’t need to depend on anything or anyone to be happy.

comes from deep within ourselves and we are all responsible to pursue it as our true source of genuine happiness.

understands that we are always where we need to be and we are always worthy to give and receive love in all interactions.

supports you on your own journey to discover truth in your own way. Honestly following your internal compass tells us what is right because it is truth.

Brought us inspired spiritual writings which came from the journeys of others. Those who penned their experiences to share it with others; the details vary by the characters sharing them. The message or messenger is not important it’s the truth that resonates harmoniously deep within each one of us that matters most.

Spirituality is finding that deep internal spiritual connection that will allow you to discover and live your own truth, with the same love and conviction as those Spiritual Masters who came before you.

Spiritual Peace … Is Fairness and Equality The Answer?

Successful relationships among people requires a 100% committed effort by all toward the success and strength of the relationship. Equal 50% – 50% contributions to mandate equality will never lead to long-term success. Rather a 100% commitment to the success of the relationship by each individual involved is the formula for success. Equality is the formula for failure.

Without some bias or “politically correct” indoctrination, any reasonable evaluation on mankind, by a fair-minded individual, will acknowledge that the evidence is overwhelming that all men are not created equal. Some are born physically strong, others mentally tough and intelligent, some are caring and nurturing, some are tough and rugged, some are male and some are female, some are trans-gendered, some are cross gendered some are dual gendered, some are tall, some are short, some are bald others hairy, some are fair skinned others dark skinned. By any reasonable unbiased observer the facts are overwhelming that nothing is equal about the individuals that make up mankind. Most reflect a combination of the above referenced differences and we could add a thousand more to the list to multiply the diversity.

Nowhere in nature does equality exist. It’s a human concept that is doomed to failure.  A seed that lands in a field by the river in rich soil will grow taller and stronger than a seed that lands at the bottom of a dense forest. Is it fair that one seed gets better conditions in which to grow? How difficult a process would it be for us to plant trees and focus on equality for every tree. Would that lead to more growth or less overall? Such an undertaking would be extremely difficult to manage because we would have to cut back every strong tree.

If we still relied on trees to build houses and heat our homes would an equality approach be sensible? It is a certainty that we achieve less overall when equality is the goal. Now what result would such an approach have among mankind, would we thrive if we tried to make equality a goal? Such endeavors are misguided and show a lack of appreciation for nature.

Equality is the source of every division and problem in our world. We cannot fight against nature and expect to succeed. The minute we begin to put energies into fighting against nature, by demanding equality within the system, the whole system suffers. We hurt ourselves and the collective suffers too. Hurt and pain to other individuals within the collective are the direct result of seeking equality, such an endeavor is the wrong approach.

The spiritual approach to peace and harmony is where every individual human being needs to be recognized and be nurtured to grow to their fullest potential. Not tearing down the successful to accommodate the weak but rather supporting the weak to find their place within the overall collective system to contribute back to the whole.

Peace comes through 100% acceptance of others and a 100% commitment to supporting the collective well being of all in the system. This is holistic spiritual unity. This is the spiritual approach that will lead humankind to great heights as we work together as a collective for the good of all, and not by seeking equality taking sides one against the other.

Climbing The Spiritual Ladder … Experience It

Mastering the spiritual journey, individually we must engage and commit to each step throughout the process, there’s no short cuts.

As we climb in our physical world each step brings us deeper and deeper joy. A small child learns to roll the ball to Mommy and laughs with delight. As she grows she learns to bounce the ball and re-catch it again, another deeper level of satisfaction. Next she can bounce the ball off the wall, off the ground and into her hand again. Alas she desires further progress, but to become a master requires commitment and sacrifice. It takes months and even years before she can juggle three balls, then four and more.

The spiritual climb follows a similar process, the early steps are easy and joyful. To become a master requires sacrifice and commitment.  Learn to swallow your inner most spiritual sensations of guilt, fear or apprehension.  Feel it swimming in your stomach, examine it, hold it, experience it and you will learn to grow through it.  You will find it as frustrating as the little girl mentioned above as she fumbles and drops, again and again through each successive step of her progress. She suffers many, many defeats during her journey to becoming a master juggler.

We don’t climb to the highest levels on our positive experiences. It is through the negative,  frustrating and sometimes painful interactions that we achieve the greatest growth.  Be it in juggling or in our spiritual states, there’s always challenge and frustration along the development path.

Each successive step is harder and harder to master. However each step brings us deeper and deeper joy and satisfaction as we master it. So embrace the negative it’s the area to explore for advancement. As we wrestle with it, rehash through it, swallow it down, digest it we finally master it. We attain another step on the spiritual ladder.

As we reach new heights we experience a deep joy, but that joy quickly reverses as we discover the next rung to conquer. Can we ever return the joy of the early steps of our spiritual climb?  Yes, when we share that step with someone else new to the experience, just like a master juggler rolling the ball with a small child.

As we share our experience we relive the joy, hoping the newly exposed will also commit to mastering the next step. We cannot do if for them we can only encourage, prod and challenge them, hoping to keep them engaged to becoming masters too.

The same is true in mastering the spiritual journey, individually we must engage and commit to each step throughout the process, there’s no short cuts. Each successive step requires more and more concentrated effort.  Through repetition, analysis and continued commitment internally to our spiritual state we progress.

Every genuine point of progress along the climb is experienced alone.  Once we achieve a plateau the pleasure and satisfaction is always there for us, but soon it becomes insufficient and our next level of advancement becomes our driving desire to keep climbing.

If we stay among children we may deceive ourselves on our progress toward mastery.  It’s easy to feel like an accomplished mathematician in a room full of first graders. We all can become masters if we genuinely desire it. It’s not easy, it’s complicated and requires lots of repetitions and struggle, and no one can do it for us.

The spiritual journey is a unique path of progress for each one of us. As we attain mastery we immediately know those who are close to mastery and those who are pretending. Alas we also know those who have skills we have yet to master, this is your next level. Inquire of their journey secrets to get to know the road signs and paths to hasten your own advancement, but remember that only you and you alone can do the work to experience the mastery.

No matter how high you climb there’s always another step and fewer and fewer masters to share their experience. When you find yourself alone in your own space of mastery, new developments come slow but when they do arrive the Joy is Immense.

This posting is a spiritual sharing. I invite you to measure your progress against your own inner compass, it will not deceive you. No Master can do it for you they can only point you in the right direction.

What is Spirituality?

The genuine spiritual person is in control of themselves and their inner spiritual condition and these people are found in all walks of life.

What is Spirituality?

The term spiritual … something we cannot see or touch. Words like love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, kindness, faith, mildness and self control are spiritual sensations. The other side of spiritual sensations are fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, stress, etc. These sensations are part of our being. These spiritual sensations are by design, by a designer (God, Nature, Instinct, etc).

By our focusing on these inner spiritual sensations, both good and bad, we are able to adjust our lives, conduct and actions in a way to maximize the good feelings and minimize the negative. By ignoring these sensations or trying to suppress them is defying nature and working against ourselves.

This leads to further unpleasant spiritual sensations and more extreme actions that lead to greater uneasiness. At ease is the opposite of dis ease. A person at ease is a spiritually balanced individual, one who embraces all internal sensations using them as a compass to guide one through life, balancing them in the tumultuous energy fields that surround them. Our actions create energy and send off spiritual vibrations to those around us. What signals do I send off by my actions in this world?

Every individual is unique in their personal experiences and spiritual sensations. Meaning there is no “one-way” …. “one-path” … “one-formula” … “one-religion” the only “one-thing” is the individual and their work on themselves alone. Measured only by their inner spiritual sensations to guide them to their “true-path”. The true path is genuine love for every person on this planet, balanced against our internal spiritual compass to guide us on the path to living a genuine spiritual life.

The genuine spiritual person is not confined to any nation, religion, ethnic or social group. The genuine spiritual person is in control of themselves and their inner spiritual condition and these people are found in all walks of life. Are you a spiritual person?

We are only capable of working on ourselves. As individuals we can strive to connect and feel the world around us. Particularly sensing and feeling our fellow man. We are all spiritually molded by our environment, we have no choice on how we grow-up. The environment makes us connect with our fellowman, those “like me” which is all created by our environment. It’s why certain religious views, clothing styles, music preferences all vary by geographical locations.

The influence to “fit-in” is our ego … wanting to connect with others for our own benefit. I suggest that the genuine spiritual quest is to rise above our egos and recognize that a spiritual connection must be measured by how we connect with those who are not “like me”. If you’re nice to your friend what extraordinary thing have you accomplished?

If we can learn to feel and connect with those who are different from us. Those who’s views are foreign to our own, those who cling to views we’ve outgrown or progressed beyond, or perhaps maybe we are the ones that have yet to make the growth? The only area we can make progress is on ourselves by rising above our egos and sensing the love for our fellow man that is the ultimate spiritual attainment.

Spirituality and The Flow of Relationships

Spirituality and the flow of life. In life we have many people who come in and out of the picture as we move on our differing paths. Some show up as work associates or party playmates, we support fellow believers or common causes, some as friends or teammates, some as lovers, some as spouses, some as enemies and many more titles we can assign to people. The description of these interactions are defined by us on our life course.

Our lives are like flowing rivers, we’re all flowing in our currents and we swirl together and we swirl apart. This is the dance of life. In the dance of life there are two constants that you can absolutely depend on.

The first is change. …
Change is the reality of life, but as humans, unlike all other life forms, we are all trying to control our lives. So when we are in harmony with other humans we are attracted and bonded until one’s flow moves one in a different direction.

The second …
We can be certain that we will reside forever in this realm with ourselves. Every night of our lives, as we go to bed, we close our eyes we can depend on ourselves being there.

Conclusion: I try not to explain why this is the way it is. I just go with the flow. We live in a realm of energy flows, these energies are always interacting. Be okay with however this life flow unfolds because most of it it’s not in our control. Be who you are … that’s good enough, in fact that’s the perfect place for each of us!

People will come and go, some come back around, some are gone forever. Allow the life flows around you to be as they are. Go with the flow while being true to you. That is the most peaceful and pleasant track I have found in this highly complex reality we call life.