Illegal Immigration Debate in America

This issue has the people of America deeply torn by the desire to care for the needy while simultaneously sensing the crisis is the opposite.

The growing problems associated with illegal migration are hurting people on all sides of the issue.   Children are suffering in encampments that remain underfunded, while other children are trafficked as a “free-pass” entry ticket into the United States.   Many girls are sexually assaulted on the horrific journey north overseen by criminal cartels; sadly many have been killed in the process.

The 2020 Presidential Candidates were asked at the debate, “Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.” All ten candidates raised their hands in support of the idea.

Health coverage for non-citizen undocumented immigrants appears on the surface to be a loving and spiritually uplifting concept, but is it really? Such an obvious pandering is certain to increase the chaos surrounding this issue. The rule of law seems to no longer matter.  While this is true in many places throughout the world; is this now the new ideal for America?

Warning a Catastrophic Event is on The Horizon

The plight of overcrowding and lawlessness in sanctuary cities has led to large numbers of homeless Americans being displaced. Look at what’s being experienced in California right now, there are countless homeless American’s living on the streets.

Is this some kind of new enlightened community? Is this the new neighborhood we want to build for everyone in America? This issue has the people of America deeply torn by the desire to care for needy humans, while simultaneously sensing the crisis is actually doing the opposite. It is clearly becoming unmanageable chaos; where are the sane voices?

Where Do You Stand on The Illegal Migration Crisis

There seems to be two recurring narratives around the immigration crisis in America. One is attacking the process and pinning blame on everything and everyone associated with the issue.  The other-side is looking for solutions to solve the problems generated by the crisis but they are attacked rather than supported. Where do you stand?

Sadly many of the usually moderate voices are becoming more and more aggressive and belligerent. Hatred toward “the others” point of view trump’s reason and rational thinking.  Regardless of your political allegiance there is a serious crisis that needs to be fixed.

Serious storm clouds of hostility are on the horizon. Rather than further the divides by gas-lighting the issue, please use your voice to demand honest healthy solutions from your Representatives in Congress.
Please weigh-in asking them these questions regarding the American system.

1. What does the rule of law mean?
2. Who creates the laws and who enforces them?
3. If someone disagrees with certain laws is it okay for them to break them?
4. Is it okay for government officials not enforce them?

Please let your voice be one of rational and loving concern for the poor suffering citizens who have no voice. The hostility and hate surrounding this issue is hurting everyone involved on all sides. We need voices of sincere rational people to demand a fix to this crisis and quickly.

A Declaration of INTER-Dependence

We Need Help ... Please Share
I Can’t Take it Anymore!

Isn’t it time that we as individuals acknowledge that our future and that of the human race requires the cooperation of ALL of its members? America offered a Declaration of Independence to bring about a new world of change … and it indeed led to the betterment of many individuals who risked all. Many sacrificed, leaving family, friends and love ones behind as they sought a better life in the New World. Today many are feeling the current world shake-up and seek even greater change.

So here is a manifesto of change … a Declaration of INTER-Dependence.
As Individuals we need to accept that our role in this world must move beyond mere self-sufficiency. As Individuals, with self-interest in mind, we must recognize our INTER-Dependence; that together our power increases dramatically. Are we willing to pledge our Individual capacity giving of our time, energy, thoughts and love to help fix our current system?

Our self-interest must take into account reciprocity, not only personal gain. We’re quick to focus energies on the Elite, Wealthy and Powerful system structures, and see the need for change, but now as Individuals we must focus energies on Ourselves. We are all part of the ROOT CAUSE of world problems … as Individuals we need to see the same selfish “for me” tendencies within our own desires. To fight for the redistribution of wealth or to tear down others will not yield any positive results, but will only perpetuate the current broken self-centered system.

Our future can no longer be defined by rich, or poor … our natures will not allow it. As Individuals we will be rewarded for our investment in INTER-connectedness with others. Rewarded with respect, recognition, and the joy of being accepted into the next level of human consciousness; our interconnected harmonious existence.

As Individuals, with self-interest in mind, our every desire, act, and thought needs to include the benefit of ALL. There cannot be a “THEM”, no matter how evil or bad we perceive THEM to be. THEM is ME … When I change ME the THEM also will change with me. “Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~Gandhi

Let’s seek to lead the way in building a new UNIFIED society, founded on the principle of MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY that will:

1. Work to educate the young and the willing – to help raise their consciousness.
2. Create a Just and sustainable economy by Individual hard work for the betterment of ALL.
3. Work with new media – to help influence the public mindset from “Me & Mine” and “Us against Them” … to “We’re all in this together”.

Our collective consciousness is moving onto a new, higher degree. A state of Mutual Responsibility where we Individually can accept the role of living and caring for OTHERS … The reality of our true happiness lies in the fulfillment of our Individual roles while acknowledging and supporting our inter-connectedness with all others.

The greatest effect will be realized when we Individually begin accepting and acknowledging those whom we feel most strongly against, knowing they too are a part of Us. So with this manifesto let’s offer this Declaration of Inter-dependence and invite ALL Individuals to this calling of unification!

Wall Street Occupier Confronts Tea Party Radical

The United States is in the midst of a “real-crisis” … our lives and future are getting bleaker and bleaker by the moment. The collapsing economy is igniting domestic political unrest stirred by the two political parties. … what is happening with America? How can we avoid taking sides and rise above the conflict? Do we see the need for civility?

Are we “one-nation” or have we developed a hatred for one side against the other? We find those who “think like us” and start inciting social movements that flame our differences. We are in fact one nation and we all affect one another. Those of us “Occupying Wall Street” have the exact same feelings as the “Tea Party” people. Both sides feeling frustration and dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.

Here are some questions perhaps we should be asking …?

Is it unreasonable to expect that we American’s help one another? Yet, in a world where millions are starving and homeless, with no flush toilets, heating or even clean drinking water; is it right to see any American rightfully claiming injustice? Would not most of the world view America as the ruling 0ne percent? Is demanding a share of other peoples money and possessions a genuine solution? If that seems reasonable, then why not focus on the real poor and suffering in the rest of the world? Could we not unite most Americans around such a worthy cause?


Could there be a few people who really hate Capitalism and their impression of America as a “George Bush world”? Could they be fanning the flames of frustration into a revolution against the “American – Capitalistic” system? Is that a good thing?

Could there be a few selfish greedy people who really hate what’s happening now and blame it on the current state of affairs labeling it “Obama’s world”? Could they be fanning the flames of frustration into a nationalistic uprising in defense of “American – Capitalism”? Is that a good thing?

A Painful History We Must Not Forget. Our world history is rich with examples of how peoples frustrations can be harnessed and focused in the wrong direction.

Rather then extending energy by feeding peoples anger would a rational approach of a dialog asking the right questions be in order? I hope the mainstream media … the alternative media and every other concerned American could start a dialog of uniting America, stop taking sides.

My hope and wish would be that both the Tea Party people and the Wall Street Occupiers, and their supporters on both sides, would put their energy into fixing our problems not flaming our divide. Would answering the questions posed here be a good first step in the right direction? Perhaps I’m missing something? Please share you thoughts and observations on this sensitive but important subject.