Here is a hypothesis on human transformation into adulthood, presented as a supposition or proposed explanation to explain the chaos engulfing America and western civilization. This is presented as a starting point for a discussion to further explore and investigate ourselves from a spiritual point of view.
By spiritual we mean beyond the limited structure of science, math and deductive reasoning the foundations of Western Civilization; to also include the esoteric, emotional, supernatural and other phenomenon that penetrate the human psyche.
Individual Chaos The Path to Sanity
As individuals we grow by pursuing our own desires as we seek to satisfy ourselves entirely. We learned to balance our individual animalistic tendencies to encompass our tribal ideals and cultural expectations to maximize our self-serving interests.
Humanity as a collective has been growing and developing along this same egotistical self-serving path since the beginning of time. People have been dividing by family and then geography into local communities. Next we developed allegiances to regional group identities. This development process was also driven by our individual desires for sanity and survival.
We individually love and hate as we battle for supremacy in our relationships, while we create and contribute to community structures all to support our own self-serving objectives. We all individually grow through this internal conflict of chaos to resolution. We ultimately define ourselves by our tribe, our ideals, our expectations and our responsibilities to people who are “like me” all driven by the animalistic instincts of self-interest.
We progressed as a species and further sub-divided into ideological and social constructs that established additional unique tribal alliances. These sub-groupings led to further chaos and division. Tremendous human suffering ensued as each tribe and society battled for relevance and superiority over “the others” … driven by the animalistic desires for survival by dominance over natural resources for sustainability of one’s self-interests.
Further Chaos The Path to Enlightenment
Each tribe and community group established social compacts based on love and mutual consideration. That is the spiritual feminine energy of nurturing and caring for one-another within the group, this too was driven by self-interest of mutual survival. We encourage each individual within our groups to pursue their dreams and ideals to better self-serve the interest of the group.
Since the world is now fully explored and basic survival is no longer the driving force of our character, we are expanding into the enlightenment phase of human development. We are moving beyond the individual enlightenment of self-interest to a holistic ideal of altruistic selflessness.
Our children realize that our future cannot sustain the animalistic processes of self-interest and dominance of one group over another for survival. As all previous generations before them they feel it deep down inside that the system requires change. They have yet to individually mature to the point of actual acceptance of “the others” as they perceive them.
The chaos will continue as long as we clutch to our tribal identities. We do this by negative stereotype labeling of “the others”. Labels of socialist or capitalist’s, bigots and racists, Nazi-Fascist, religious fanatic, homophobic, greedy, lazy, selfish, ignorant, stupid, careless and any other negative identity that they can assign to “the others” … this is a last ditch attempt to hold on their individual selfish egotistical identities.
The Path to Further Enlightenment
We are now uniting as a global tribe and we need to unite the ideologies from all sides of self-interest. Into a positive agenda that moves beyond basic survival of the individual and our tribal identities towards our ultimate spiritual character traits of thriving as a unified whole.
This is reflected in the desire of millions of people who see the imbalance of power and resources and thereby seek to rectify this injustice by demanding fundamental changes within the hierarchy of civilization. Balancing this dichotomy within the psyche of the individual is spiritual attainment, but is reaching this balance within our physical reality ever attainable?
Will we ever stop ascending as a species toward dominating our physical reality? Are we capable of uniting around the spiritual ideals we strive for individually? Ask yourself are you willing to fully accept and acknowledge “the others” however they are labeled?
Test yourself by asking how open-minded and accepting you are of others. Are we entrenched in non-acceptance of others or are we evolving toward greater spiritual attainment?
For now it’s a path for you as an individual, are you on the path?