Mankind’s 5d spiritual world perspective is seeing a better path forward into our future. Humanity is like a fine woven garment that holds itself together with a constant tension. In our active 3d world perspective everyone is pulling and holding tight as we try and keep the 3d system in balance.
The 5d perspective sees that our nature is demanding that we expand and grow, everyone wants a change for the better. In order to achieve that we all have to be willing to loosen our grips a little bit. Allow some flexibility to create more space for the fabric of humanity to expand and breathe.
This 5d approach will dissolve the tensions by reallocating our energies away from the negative and towards solutions. So rather than arguing about which solution path is the best, we all loosen up a little bit and we allow all solution paths to move forward with support.
Humanity is ready to breakout and break free. To release itself from the 3d prison of fear we’re cornered in. Through this 5d world perspective we discover what works. The best solutions advance with the support of everyone collectively.
Let’s change all of our 3d fear models into 5d love models by putting our energies into what’s needed most. Exploring, caring and supporting what works we collectively move in the positive direction, built on love for everyone.