The world has become more and more polarized, creating deep cutting separation and disconnects. These disconnections now extend into immediate family members living in the same household. We occupy the same physical space but our social networks and ideological associations are truncated in the digital world of virtual reality. We are connected by algorithms and are bombarded with input to support our own biases. This reaffirms our personal views. We believe the entire world agrees with us, because that’s all we ever see.
The artificial intelligence (AI) of computer-generated connections are polluting our biological human connections that have served to manage human civilizations since the birth of time. The children born and raised in this AI world are part of digital communities that have put family members, living in the same household, in completely different worlds.
Children are developing and expanding at a pace that is breaking the familial ties of physical communities. The speed of change is so great that those raised on old connections of biological and human interactions are worried about the effects on their own children and grandchildren.
Throughout human history such revolutionary changes always led to a unifying energy among the collective to unite and pursue their own cause. These groups were primarily connected and organized by sensing and exploiting the negative associations within their own space of connection. Now everyone is feeling alienated to one degree or another; and this pace of change will only continue to hasten.
Human history is just story after story of world conquerors; who always rise to power on a vision of hope and change. The power they accumulate from the group collective eventually corrupts, as the saying goes, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The masculine, action driven, youthful demand for growth and expansion was always balanced by the feminine love energy that united the collective. Today the collective is no longer an us versus them; it’s us versus us. We need to bring the total power of the love connection to bear on all fronts in this ideological battle we are having with ourselves.
The biological effects of this corona-virus are changing the consciousness of the entire world. Everyone is now uniting around the question of where do we go from here?
The answers will come when we achieve a conscious collective mindset. Uniting for the good of the whole; which includes everyone and everything that exists in our world. We will win this or we will lose this together. It’s happening right now in front of our eyes; nature is demanding a world-wide collective desire for change.
Change is inevitable, but what kind of change will it be? Our role is to work at disseminating and spreading a “love virus” as an infection to unite everyone. Every ideological corner of humanity needs to embrace love. A “love virus” of connections; making it the unifying principle to connect and re-connect all of humankind.
In every community and sub-group within communities there is a completeness of human connectivity. That completeness has formed the building blocks of uniting people throughout history.
That community connection includes all types of persons and personalities to function holistically as a united whole. Some are strong warriors protecting the group, others teachers to educate the group. There are leaders to lead the group, builders who build the group, caregivers who care for the group, entertainers who entertain the group, healers that heal the group, challengers who challenge the group, and every other cause and effect connection that make up human civilizations world-wide are connected and driven by love.
We are a bunch of communities built on love connections among ourselves and our individual group identities. The new level of love connections require that we rise above our own group identifications and ideologies to reach a higher degree of connection that connects the disconnected among these groups.
This is the calling of the spiritual worlds. It has been calling humanity to this higher level of enlightened consciousness, the connection of humanity as one living functioning organism working for the good of the whole.
good concept,nice job grasshopper!
Thank you Ray for sharing and helping to develop these concepts for all of humanity!