Faith and Beliefs Are They The Same Thing?

I have faith that a car approaching me in the opposite lane of a divided highway will stay on their side of the road.  This despite the factual belief that it can cross onto my lane and crash head on into me.

One can rediscover faith by removing it from religion and superstition … adopting it as as the best way to live in all areas of life.

Faith and beliefs are not synonymous, many different beliefs are held by people with faith.  Belief is an opinion derived by experience. Whereas faith is a conviction that requires no experience. Beliefs are derived from critical thinking through evaluating information and evidences to which one is exposed. Faith is above and separate from our minds and from critical thinking. Faith sees beliefs for what they are, limiting and limited.

As conscious Beings with awareness we can recognize the varied beliefs derived and subscribed to through human intellect. Beliefs surrounding god, nature, politics, religion, theology, money, government, race, etc. etc. All these belief systems require one to engage intellectually with personal experience or shared knowledge.

Faith requires no such conditioning. Genuine faith cannot be shaken by any belief system. Faith allows for and encourages a willingness to explore ALL beliefs. Faith allows one to quickly see beyond the limitations of any belief. Faith allows one to recognize that beliefs are prejudiced from one’s own point of view.

Faith is fair-minded treating all viewpoints equally without regard for one’s own feelings or vested interests. Faith delivers a person from the prison of beliefs and delivers an awareness that all beliefs are limiting and actually work against faith. Faith is open to all beliefs understanding that beliefs are the framework that builds societies and are adopted for harmonious living.

Faith moves one through the contradictions and complexity of human beliefs allowing the willingness to explore and confirm all beliefs in an open-minded manner knowing they are limited to those who hold to them.

By being open to all beliefs and conditioned thought patterns we encourage unity and oneness. By holding to one belief as true over another denies faith which is open oneness and completeness. Resist limiting beliefs embrace the abundance of faith.

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