When you dislike an individual or a group of individuals, the resulting problems it causes are suffered by YOU. You are out of alignment with Source Energy (God’s Love). You may feel utterly justified in the way you feel about their seeming wrongdoing or about their betrayal, but you suffer when you’re out of alignment with source energy.
When you focus on anyone with an attitude of anything that is less than pure love (God Energy), you go out of sync with Source Energy and it feels like a negative emotion to you. And if you keep it up, you experience a stronger indication of discord, uneasiness (dis ease).
So the first indication of discord or resistance is the feeling of negative internal emotions. The first indication of alignment are positive emotions. These emotions or internal spiritual sensations (Spirituality) are your indications that you are in alignment or out of alignment with Source Energy (God).
If you are experiencing spiritual sensations that are not pleasing, YOU have to change the vibration that is emanating from you. The internal spiritual indicators will remain the same until YOU change. YOU must change to align with the Source Energy and when you do you’ll feel it.