Spiritual Reality Revealed is Wisdom

The process of life begins from a pure space of unlimited possibilities, the positive (God/Spiritual) force.  From that space of unlimited possibilities intentions and actions are manifested and connect to our physical ecosystem, the negative (grounding) force.

As individuals within the system, every action which affected us begins to create the mosaic of our lives.   This process molds us and manipulates us as part of the whole; that is everything that we interact with throughout our lives manifests in what we become.

As babies we’re born into a world that totally protects us and works on our behalf to incorporate us into its ecosystem.  Every decision and action is made for us to begin the design of our life.  We are molded by our parent(s) our immediate family, the extended family, friends and strangers within our community. The food we eat, surrounding nature, animals, accidents, weather, all influence us uniquely.

Our language, culture, religious and political views are all molded into us by our environment. Do we really have free will in this process? No, but as we mature and grow within our ecosystem we imagine that we have free choice, but do we?  Advanced societies insist that we learn manners and civil behaviors; we learn to read and write and to provide for ourselves to sustain our existence as part of the whole.

Alas, as adults we graduate from the molding and manipulation from our environment; we can support ourselves and maintain our own existence as part of the whole.  Do we now have free will?  We have some limited freedoms within the grounded structures of our existence.  We cannot jump off a 10 ft building and fly (yet).  Everything that makes us who we are is attached to actions that have manifested as the mosaic of our lives.

Your income, your food preferences, your religious ideologies, political views, favorite sport teams and everything that makes you who you are comes from actions within your environment.   The only real control we can exercise in our own development is the environment in which we put ourselves.  The space of “Unlimited Possibilities” is attached to a series of actions that lead to where we find ourselves within our own ecosystem, this is called our reality.

The further we explore our reality the greater perception we receive because we can see the connections in all the branches that manifest within our reality.  We can see how everything moves, connects and influences the other.  We see where things are broken, we can see ways to reconnect disconnects and we see opposing forces from both sides. This gives us tremendous insights and leads to clairvoyance of understanding, this is called wisdom.

When we discover that we remain stuck or attached to something, know that that is limiting our perception.  It’s like watching a sporting event with a connection to a specific team; we are much more likely to be polluted in our observations in favor of our team.  If you’re watching without an attachment to a preferred outcome your observations are much purer.

In areas of religion, atheism, politics, nationalism, racism, etc.  Find where you’re stuck and find a way to break free.   This will lead you further down the path of spiritual enlightenment and allow you the wisdom to better help others.

Here’s a challenge you can take on yourself or share with others to help them in exploring greater reason and comprehension.  Assignment to expand your spiritual comprehension.

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