Watch a small child begin to explore it’s world. It grabs and touches everything in sight. The child will explore and examine visually with the eyes, everything it touches goes in the mouth to explore further. The child is so engrossed in this learning process that when it comes time to sleep the child will cry and fight to stay engaged because they are so excited with all they are learning.
At some point the physical learning phase is satisfied and they begin seeing others in their world. They learn to react and interact with their parents and peers. At this point society is quick to instill the wholesome constructs of civility, instructing social skills and respectful behaviors to keep a healthy community.
Society continues the pressure to keep learning; learn to read and learn the fundamentals of mathematics and science, history, economics, etc. etc. Then one day we reach the magical point of adulthood. When we graduate from societal pressures to grow we are left on our own. Where do we go from here?
Sadly most people barley mature beyond this basic growth phase. The resulting consequence of a lack of growth is the beginning of death. If we are not growing, expanding, creating, maturing we are working against our own nature. The resulting consequence of this lack of growth initially is laziness, bordem, escapism, etc. If this lack of growth continues it leads to depression, anxiety, stress, fear, etc.
The real growth that everyone can embrace is growing spiritually. Spiritual growth is growing within oneself. Just as the small baby begins to touch and experience everything in the physical world the spiritual path begins in the same the way. Experiencing every internal sensation to explore it.
Those who have experienced serious trauma are usually most likely to be open to the spiritual dimension of life and living. The trauma events continue to resurface which tends to force an individual to begin exploring their internal spiritual sensations triggered by those life events.
Those who refuse to explore these spiritual sensations, who try to suppress them, are tortured by these feelings. If left unexplored the individual suffers more and more as the negatives metastasize and show up as physical illnesses.
If one can learn to embrace the internal spiritual components of life, and grow by means of exploration of these internal revelations, a joy for life will return. Like that of a small child and there is no limit on the growth one can achieve spiritually. Spirituality is the nature of who we are. It resides inside our heads with thoughts and thinking, in our mind as visions and dreams, in our heart and soul as feelings and sensations.
As we grow to attain this spiritual awareness and awaken from within we manifest a sense of deep joy, peace and happiness with life. Embrace your spirituality and join us on the spiritual quest.