The Path For Spiritual Growth

Watch a small child begin to explore it’s world. It grabs and touches everything in sight. The child will explore and examine visually with the eyes, everything it touches goes in the mouth to explore further. The child is so engrossed in this learning process that when it comes time to sleep the child will cry and fight to stay engaged because they are so excited with all they are learning.

At some point the physical learning phase is satisfied and they begin seeing others in their world. They learn to react and interact with their parents and peers. At this point society is quick to instill the wholesome constructs of civility, instructing social skills and respectful behaviors to keep a healthy community.

Society continues the pressure to keep learning; learn to read and learn the fundamentals of mathematics and science, history, economics, etc. etc. Then one day we reach the magical point of adulthood. When we graduate from societal pressures to grow we are left on our own. Where do we go from here?

Sadly most people barley mature beyond this basic growth phase. The resulting consequence of a lack of growth is the beginning of death. If we are not growing, expanding, creating, maturing we are working against our own nature. The resulting consequence of this lack of growth initially is laziness, bordem, escapism, etc. If this lack of growth continues it leads to depression, anxiety, stress, fear, etc.

The real growth that everyone can embrace is growing spiritually. Spiritual growth is growing within oneself. Just as the small baby begins to touch and experience everything in the physical world the spiritual path begins in the same the way. Experiencing every internal sensation to explore it.

Those who have experienced serious trauma are usually most likely to be open to the spiritual dimension of life and living. The trauma events continue to resurface which tends to force an individual to begin exploring their internal spiritual sensations triggered by those life events.

Those who refuse to explore these spiritual sensations, who try to suppress them, are tortured by these feelings. If left unexplored the individual suffers more and more as the negatives metastasize and show up as physical illnesses.

If one can learn to embrace the internal spiritual components of life, and grow by means of exploration of these internal revelations, a joy for life will return. Like that of a small child and there is no limit on the growth one can achieve spiritually. Spirituality is the nature of who we are. It resides inside our heads with thoughts and thinking, in our mind as visions and dreams, in our heart and soul as feelings and sensations.

As we grow to attain this spiritual awareness and awaken from within we manifest a sense of deep joy, peace and happiness with life. Embrace your spirituality and join us on the spiritual quest.

Judgment – Judgmental – Judging

Judgment … judgmental … judging … all these are terms that float around, they’re typically what one perceives as wrong. Well then what is wrong, or what is right … with anything? “Wrong” is a relative term, related to a previous judgment we’ve made on what we’ve decided is “right.”

Okay so now, let’s stay positive, what is “right”? Can you be objective in determining what’s right? “Right”, and wrong for that matter, are simply descriptions overlaid on events and circumstances experienced by you; and then your conclusions are added to your accumulated experiences. Your experiences are one of a kind; therefore your conclusions are based on a limited amount of data, only your experiences.

Next we seek acceptance from our own peers and community. So we’re quick to adopt our society’s truth on what’s right and wrong. Very few of our daily decisions about what is “right” and “wrong” are being made by us dealing with the facts of the moment, they are based on this accumulated intellectual structure we’ve built in our mind. Our own understanding of right and wrong.

Okay so one day you’re in a conversation with another person who has a different conclusion than you do on a certain matter. How do you respond, how do they respond when the conflict is realized? Usually we seek to straighten out the other persons view by exposing them to our conclusions.

Imagine if they were engaged in your conclusions, listening with intensity and probing with inquisitive questions, seeking to understand you. They are intrigued, asking themselves, “how could another person who’s lived and experienced life gotten it so wrong?” As they listen and probe what are they experiencing? They are growing in enlightenment, they are expanding their perceptions enlarging their spiritual comprehension.

I ask that you be the open one … you be the one to seek and understand those with whom you disagree. You be the bigger, wiser and more mature one. Your listening carefully and understanding another puts you head and shoulders above those who remain stuck in ruts of limited experiences. Those who hold rigid judgmental views are usually the ones who yell the loudest, speak the most, and are quick to condemn or belittle others.

The fastest way to enlightenment is to embrace those we condemn or whom condemn us. Embrace those with whom we disagree and the issues we fear most. The exposure to these concepts and ideas will broaden your perspective in the fastest way possible. It’s the way to reveal the light, bring your light to the darkness you perceive around you. Don’t try and fight it or hide from it … embrace it and you’ll be amazed at how fast you’ll reach a high spiritual enlightened perspective.

“There is no right or wrong there only IS” … “IS” we define it from a perspective … so expand it at every opportunity. There are a lot of opportunities in life for you to move forward at lightening speed, if you adopt a Spiritually Open Minded spirit with others. Why not start right now by examining your own history on interactions with others? Find the friend or foe who can help you expand and grow !

A Declaration of INTER-Dependence

We Need Help ... Please Share
I Can’t Take it Anymore!

Isn’t it time that we as individuals acknowledge that our future and that of the human race requires the cooperation of ALL of its members? America offered a Declaration of Independence to bring about a new world of change … and it indeed led to the betterment of many individuals who risked all. Many sacrificed, leaving family, friends and love ones behind as they sought a better life in the New World. Today many are feeling the current world shake-up and seek even greater change.

So here is a manifesto of change … a Declaration of INTER-Dependence.
As Individuals we need to accept that our role in this world must move beyond mere self-sufficiency. As Individuals, with self-interest in mind, we must recognize our INTER-Dependence; that together our power increases dramatically. Are we willing to pledge our Individual capacity giving of our time, energy, thoughts and love to help fix our current system?

Our self-interest must take into account reciprocity, not only personal gain. We’re quick to focus energies on the Elite, Wealthy and Powerful system structures, and see the need for change, but now as Individuals we must focus energies on Ourselves. We are all part of the ROOT CAUSE of world problems … as Individuals we need to see the same selfish “for me” tendencies within our own desires. To fight for the redistribution of wealth or to tear down others will not yield any positive results, but will only perpetuate the current broken self-centered system.

Our future can no longer be defined by rich, or poor … our natures will not allow it. As Individuals we will be rewarded for our investment in INTER-connectedness with others. Rewarded with respect, recognition, and the joy of being accepted into the next level of human consciousness; our interconnected harmonious existence.

As Individuals, with self-interest in mind, our every desire, act, and thought needs to include the benefit of ALL. There cannot be a “THEM”, no matter how evil or bad we perceive THEM to be. THEM is ME … When I change ME the THEM also will change with me. “Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~Gandhi

Let’s seek to lead the way in building a new UNIFIED society, founded on the principle of MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY that will:

1. Work to educate the young and the willing – to help raise their consciousness.
2. Create a Just and sustainable economy by Individual hard work for the betterment of ALL.
3. Work with new media – to help influence the public mindset from “Me & Mine” and “Us against Them” … to “We’re all in this together”.

Our collective consciousness is moving onto a new, higher degree. A state of Mutual Responsibility where we Individually can accept the role of living and caring for OTHERS … The reality of our true happiness lies in the fulfillment of our Individual roles while acknowledging and supporting our inter-connectedness with all others.

The greatest effect will be realized when we Individually begin accepting and acknowledging those whom we feel most strongly against, knowing they too are a part of Us. So with this manifesto let’s offer this Declaration of Inter-dependence and invite ALL Individuals to this calling of unification!

Wall Street Occupier Confronts Tea Party Radical

The United States is in the midst of a “real-crisis” … our lives and future are getting bleaker and bleaker by the moment. The collapsing economy is igniting domestic political unrest stirred by the two political parties. … what is happening with America? How can we avoid taking sides and rise above the conflict? Do we see the need for civility?

Are we “one-nation” or have we developed a hatred for one side against the other? We find those who “think like us” and start inciting social movements that flame our differences. We are in fact one nation and we all affect one another. Those of us “Occupying Wall Street” have the exact same feelings as the “Tea Party” people. Both sides feeling frustration and dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.

Here are some questions perhaps we should be asking …?

Is it unreasonable to expect that we American’s help one another? Yet, in a world where millions are starving and homeless, with no flush toilets, heating or even clean drinking water; is it right to see any American rightfully claiming injustice? Would not most of the world view America as the ruling 0ne percent? Is demanding a share of other peoples money and possessions a genuine solution? If that seems reasonable, then why not focus on the real poor and suffering in the rest of the world? Could we not unite most Americans around such a worthy cause?


Could there be a few people who really hate Capitalism and their impression of America as a “George Bush world”? Could they be fanning the flames of frustration into a revolution against the “American – Capitalistic” system? Is that a good thing?

Could there be a few selfish greedy people who really hate what’s happening now and blame it on the current state of affairs labeling it “Obama’s world”? Could they be fanning the flames of frustration into a nationalistic uprising in defense of “American – Capitalism”? Is that a good thing?

A Painful History We Must Not Forget. Our world history is rich with examples of how peoples frustrations can be harnessed and focused in the wrong direction.

Rather then extending energy by feeding peoples anger would a rational approach of a dialog asking the right questions be in order? I hope the mainstream media … the alternative media and every other concerned American could start a dialog of uniting America, stop taking sides.

My hope and wish would be that both the Tea Party people and the Wall Street Occupiers, and their supporters on both sides, would put their energy into fixing our problems not flaming our divide. Would answering the questions posed here be a good first step in the right direction? Perhaps I’m missing something? Please share you thoughts and observations on this sensitive but important subject.

Spirituality Your Secret Place

Your thoughts …. you can never really shut them off they run 24 – 7. Thoughts run on autopilot just like our blood circulates and our digestion system functions. Our thoughts are not reality … they’re just descriptions of our reality and our thoughts are running endlessly day and night. While we often see our thoughts as who we are … they‘re not. We are the entity behind our thoughts.

In the last post we explored how words and thoughts are not real things, they are just descriptions. From this perspective we can now better explore Spirituality. Spirituality is an internal thing and it’s deep inside of you and it’s beyond your thinking or even your praying, which are just more words. If you can go deep inside and watch yourself think and watch how your thoughts effect how you feel. Watch how your thoughts try and describe others as you interact with them. Watch how you are quick to judge others who disagree with you.

When you can get into that space inside your mind and heart, where you watch yourself thinking. You go behind or above your thoughts, that is the real spiritual space and that’s where clarity resides. From that spiritual space inside of you … you now can exercise full control of the moment. And only the moment you’re in is your reality. You now have a deeper control from a spiritual point of view of the moment (Now). Some call this space inside Christ consciousness, some call it being centered, some call it God’s perspective or the spiritual space, etc. The words used to describe this place are irrelevant. This is your own secret place, and discovering that space within you is where real truth resides.

That spiritual space, your secret place, can only be felt and experienced internally (spirituality) it can never be fully explained in words, thoughts or stories of any kind. It can only be experienced by getting beyond your thoughts and connecting to that internal energy flow that is one with you. Only Love and Peace reside at that deep level behind or above your thoughts. From that spiritual level you will always act perfectly with genuine love.

The minute you start focusing on your thinking again you start adding interpretations to the moment, at that point you step out of the spiritual space of clarity. Now your background, upbringing, life experiences, instincts, prejudices, beliefs, fears, etc. take control of you and you‘re no longer in the moment. You’re now in the future by planning a response, or in the past drudging up an interpretation as to what the moment means. When our thinking is running our lives we are in a place of darkness. Thinking has it’s place but clarity is when you’re watching yourself think.

The hectic world around us can pull us out of our spiritually centered state. Your being mindful of this depth of awareness within yourself puts you in a descriptive category of an enlightened spiritual person. So close your eyes often and watch your thinking and thoughts from that secret place inside of you. There lies the real truth of love and peace and you’ll feel it for everyone else too. Yes, included in that Love will be every man, woman and child on this planet regardless of their beliefs or religious heritage, friend and foe alike. Working this out within ourselves is how we change the world. Let’s all try and find this place inside ourselves where the clarity of love resides and do our part in awakening. When we do we have real power to affect change in our world.

Revealing Spirituality in Our Lives

We are not our name or anything else that we attach to ourselves. Be it terms like parent, student, teacher or homeowner, athlete, poet, etc – these are words used to help describe us but they are not the essence of who we are. The word “I” can be very limiting, or your “I-ness” can help you expand and grow depending on how you use your “I-ness”.

Does the word sparrow really contain a complete comprehension of that bird in nature? No! Telling someone your name, or other word attachments you assigned to yourself does not encapsulate who you are. Do you really even know yourself? Frankly we will never fully attain any substantive matter using words as a description or as an explanation alone, enlightenment goes beyond words.

In fact all words and descriptions, whether they are thoughts or vocalized into sounds, actually restrict our perceptions of reality. And yes our thinking too is just visualizing words. Words do shed some light on a matter … but reliance on words or a combination of words alone will actually limit our comprehension.

To help you attain comprehension of your world, your “I-ness” attaches words as a description and explanation to help identify things. Soon however we begin believing our words and thoughts are truth, sadly we can limit our I-ness to these conclusions. We’re often quick to reject other peoples words and descriptions that contradict our own, this hinders deeper comprehension. But even as we grow to be open to all explanations we are still limited if we rely on words and thinking (word thoughts) alone. Relying strictly on words and human intellect as “the truth” we actually cover up the deepest of connections and understanding, the spiritual.

Words are incapable of containing “the truth”. They contain some truth but they are limiting to the associations that the “I” have assigned to them. Every human attaches words to their experiences. We feel comfortable around those who share these same word associations. Sadly, we argue and fight with those who have different word associations with things; especially around sensitive subjects like God, religion and spirituality. These conflicts certainly are not enlightenment for either side.

The mystery of things like God, Nature, Love … these are but labels trying to contain what is ultimately unattainable by our mind if limited to words and thoughts alone. To discover the unknowable, you must let go of your thoughts and labels around everything. Be open for a deeper understanding, the spiritual, that is discovered inside Yourself.

Open up and be receptive to what’s happening inside of you as you interact with the world around you. Explore not only with words or thoughts … explore with your internal sensations. Acknowledge all your internal states and feelings. As you do you’ll discover your true “I-ness” and true spirituality. This is only attainable by you working internally with your own nature. Inside yourself is where you’ll discover “real truth” which cannot be contained by words, stories or explanations of any kind. It cannot be named or labeled, it can only be experienced by You inside your “I-ness” … we call this spiritual attainment, enjoy the discovery.

In Spirituality … There's Only One Energy

When you dislike an individual or a group of individuals, the resulting problems it causes are suffered by YOU. You are out of alignment with Source Energy (God’s Love). You may feel utterly justified in the way you feel about their seeming wrongdoing or about their betrayal, but you suffer when you’re out of alignment with source energy.

When you focus on anyone with an attitude of anything that is less than pure love (God Energy), you go out of sync with Source Energy and it feels like a negative emotion to you. And if you keep it up, you experience a stronger indication of discord, uneasiness (dis ease).

So the first indication of discord or resistance is the feeling of negative internal emotions. The first indication of alignment are positive emotions. These emotions or internal spiritual sensations (Spirituality) are your indications that you are in alignment or out of alignment with Source Energy (God).

If you are experiencing spiritual sensations that are not pleasing, YOU have to change the vibration that is emanating from you. The internal spiritual indicators will remain the same until YOU change. YOU must change to align with the Source Energy and when you do you’ll feel it.

Comprehending Spiritual

Understanding the connection between physical laws and spiritual laws is only what we perceive. As our perceptions grow we have greater enlightenment. We all hope that there is “one truth”- “one path” – “one faith” some foundational understanding that we will grasp and when we do we will be done growing and know all that we need to know.

My current position on this … that will never happen in our life time, because our universe is expanding and so are we. So even if we read every word ever penned as a spiritual writing we’re only getting the perception of the one writing it. We need to continue to discover more and more of OUR OWN perceptions. Using our external physical senses and our internal spiritual sensations we expand our own revelation.

On whatever WE focus OUR attention on, trusting OUR OWN perceptions on the specific subject matter is how WE grow. We should examine the perceptions of others to expand our own, but in the end you should only trust your own conclusions. If we’ve adopted another person’s written view and stopped comparing it with a contrasted view we stop our own growth.

We can always grow more by exploring more … “Keep on seeking” … “Keep on asking” … those who seek find, those who ask get the answers. Those who believe they have all the answers are at a stand-still … they are not growing at all.

Each one of us perceives the Spiritual/Creator/Upper Light/Nature/God differently. Initially we are exposed to our world by our parents, family and community. How do we continue to grow? I suggest that it’s according to one’s individual desires and internal qualities; these drive a person to explore and sense himself / herself in relation to the world around them.

The source or energy, Creator/God no one has seen (Exodus 33:20). Meaning I never feel it directly; I perceive myself in relation to Him the “Upper Light.” I reveal this “Upper Light” or discover Him only within myself, as I do all of nature. You sense the physical as if it were happening on the outside; when in fact all we ever experience is inside of us. Our entire world exists inside of us.

To illustrate … a person blind cannot experience a beautiful sunset; or if deaf they cannot experience a beautiful symphony. They can explore the attainments of others by reading about such beauty but it’s not their attainment. They are left experiencing the reflected Light of the experience of the one writing about it.

Our spiritual attainment is also inside of us, if we read spiritual writings we experience the reflected Light from those who wrote it, but as we focus inside ourselves we experience our own attainment. As we grow our own spiritual awareness we are given increased perceptions … a “sixth sense” so to speak. This spiritual advancement adds a whole new meaning to the miracles described in Isaiah 35:5.

So what Light can you share? You can only speak about it based on your own experience. It is inside of you and in your desires, the more you desire the Light the more you can experience it. So look within and share what you find there, that’s how together we can reveal and experience truth.

Attaining Spiritual Awareness

All biblical text, and other holy writings for that matter, are an attempt to describe and enlighten the reader by definition and descriptions; clothing the light with human attainment called speech or words. This is so that the reader can experience the sensation/spiritual components of the Oneness attained by the individual writing it. Jesus, a man at divine consciousness, exposed his fellow man to the spiritual by means of a human attainment called speech and metaphor (WORD).

There is nothing written or spoken that was not the attainment of a fellow human being. If God has spoken to you personally, bless you, you’re now left trying to explain that in words of your choosing. CHOOSE CAREFULLY as you are accountable for their effect on others who read them.

Spiritual awareness and trying to name the spiritual. Some common terms God, LORD, Jehovah, Jesus, Elokim, Elohim, Yahweh, HaVaYaH, Allah, Buddha, the Creator, Mother Nature, Energy, Source, Oneness, and some thousands more penned throughout history by fellow humans. These definitions are all attempts humans have made to describe their connection or unification with the Spiritual, the Now, the Oneness or whatever other description man uses to describe Him – Her – It …

What’s important is that we don’t judge and interpret one attainment or description over another but rather we can only seek to understand it and grow personally from that. Using words and descriptions to share explore and grow together from the input of all.

Our being open is what enables us to grow. Dogmatic hard core beliefs usually show a persons limited spiritual attainment, they are an attempt to hold on to something that can never be contained. It’s like trying to hold onto water, you cannot hold it, it can only be felt. Words and beliefs are buckets or vessels we use to contain some water. Eventually if we’re open enough we can sense there is an ocean of water and we see the folly of limiting ourselves to a container of any size.

Communication, verbal and non verbal, are all we have to share with one another. That’s why it’s important not to judge words or spiritual writings of others but to explore them. Your personal level of attainment or revelation shared with another person is important. If that person is at a similar enlightened level they will get it. Those who have yet to reach your level of enlightenment may find it nonsensical or even foolish.

What made Jesus such an inspiring teacher was his ability, through story’s and illustrations, to reach people at their level, thus his being called The Word.

The Science of Spiritual Growth

People who are uprooted and moved to a completely different environment usually experience a negative internal sensation. This is felt internally as a spiritual sensation. We have all had such an experience, even if just moving to a new school or a new job. Once we stay in this new environment for any length of time we assimilate, we adapt, we change, we progress, etc. This growth can be defined as enlightenment.

Enlightenment is just shedding light on the new environment, becoming more comfortable over time. Time allows a person to expand beyond their initial sensation and to see themselves expanding, fitting in and adapting to the new environment.

We can control and grow our own spiritual perspective by recognizing and embracing this enlightenment process. One can make advancement without completely changing ones environment. How so? We can seek to explore situations that cause us to feel a bit uneasy, especially when dealing with people of different cultures, political or religious backgrounds.

We should understand that almost every person on this planet is seeking to find connection, to find peace, acceptance, etc. A person’s life experience and associations have molded them into the person they are; as your life experiences have brought you to where you are.

A spiritual approach when meeting a new person of a different faith, political or ethnic background would be one of openness, to try and understand and feel this fellow human. To go beyond our own “closed-minded” animalistic tendencies and try and be open to understand that person uniquely.

This person’s perception is unique and different from your own and so may naturally feel a bit uncomfortable at first. But by listening, learning, feeling sensing these new interactions with this person, both the stranger and you can grow spiritually through the open interaction.

Instinctively our human tendencies tend to reject different ideas, concepts, conclusions; this human tendency stifles our growth. A spiritual minded person need not fear being exposed to the new; rather one should embrace and welcome it as a way to grow. By making that spiritual personal connection, with someone “not like you”, you will begin to open that person too, enlarging their perspective. In no time at all you both will begin to effect each other.

Both experience learning and shedding light on each other toward growth in connection, understanding, acceptance; and this is Love. Some might call it God’s Love …. call it the science of spiritual growth. Regardless of your personal heritage or theirs your growth and theirs is based on the interaction and ones willingness to understand, regardless of the title or description one uses to explain the interaction.